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Home > Current Affairs > Ummah > :: VIDEO :: Aqeedah of ASWJ Course

:: VIDEO :: Aqeedah of ASWJ Course

Currently at the London School of Shari'ah, Principal Lecturer, Anjem Choudary is delivering a unique course on the detailed aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'aah. These sessions are dedicated to divulging the various attributes of this praised firqah (sect) in terms of tawheed, imaan, takfeer etc.

Over the next few weeks, these lectures will be made available exclusively on Islam4UK, for you to watch. If you would like to view the first lecture which is an introduction to the course, please visit our ASWJ section under Aqeedah (located on homepage) or alternatively click the following link:


Want to enrol at the London School of Shari'ah?

Please call brother Abu Rumaysah on 07956 041 034 for further enquiries on admission requirements. This course is open to brothers and sisters as well as non-Muslims.

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